The Education vs Employment PARADOX

You believe you're ready for the workforce. Your institution of higher education believes you're ready for the workforce, and your parents certainly expect you to be ready for the workforce. Unfortunately, corporate America and small businesses say you're not ready!
More and more research and survey data has revealed the gap between what educators believe about college graduates and what those doing the hiring believe. Since the vast majority of our society believes the purpose for going to college is to get a good job, then we seem to be missing the mark with those who are going to be writing the paychecks. Here are just two of the most recent surveys: Higher Education's Work Preparation Paradox, from Gallup and Tomorrow’s Most Wanted, a recent study from digital education company Hyper Island.
The bottom line: those who are hiring are looking for more than just industry specific skills. They need you to know what your key "Soft Skills" are. What are your talents, what are your strengths, and how do you make choices. They're interested in your personality, attitude and work ethic. They realize everyone has weaknesses. They want to know that you have learned to manage yours and can function on a team.
Unfortunately, most institutions are not spending a great deal of time teaching, coaching or mentoring you in any of these areas.
Fortunately, there are resources to assist you in theses areas. Fred Grooms is one of the very best resources for developing your "Soft Skills." He has a number of programs that address each of the areas businesses are looking for you to develop. Check out our programs page for additional details.
You can close the growing paradox gap! Check out Fred's new book: Who's in Charge of Bob? This book addresses this paradox in a simple applicable framework. Follow us to: Who's in Charge of Bob? to download a sample copy or purchase this bestseller.
More and more research and survey data has revealed the gap between what educators believe about college graduates and what those doing the hiring believe. Since the vast majority of our society believes the purpose for going to college is to get a good job, then we seem to be missing the mark with those who are going to be writing the paychecks. Here are just two of the most recent surveys: Higher Education's Work Preparation Paradox, from Gallup and Tomorrow’s Most Wanted, a recent study from digital education company Hyper Island.
The bottom line: those who are hiring are looking for more than just industry specific skills. They need you to know what your key "Soft Skills" are. What are your talents, what are your strengths, and how do you make choices. They're interested in your personality, attitude and work ethic. They realize everyone has weaknesses. They want to know that you have learned to manage yours and can function on a team.
Unfortunately, most institutions are not spending a great deal of time teaching, coaching or mentoring you in any of these areas.
Fortunately, there are resources to assist you in theses areas. Fred Grooms is one of the very best resources for developing your "Soft Skills." He has a number of programs that address each of the areas businesses are looking for you to develop. Check out our programs page for additional details.
You can close the growing paradox gap! Check out Fred's new book: Who's in Charge of Bob? This book addresses this paradox in a simple applicable framework. Follow us to: Who's in Charge of Bob? to download a sample copy or purchase this bestseller.